Journey in the after world with reference to the Book of the Dead
After the person is dead ancient Egyptians believe that its spiritual soul "Ba" hovers over his dead body until goddess "Isis" gets it under her wings and protects it. She then gives it to god "Anubis" who will guide this soul until the moment of judgment.
"Anubis: then guides the soul to one of the four mountains supporting the sky which is believed to be the west mountain, referring to that west city of Abydos, city of "Osiris".. The soul then descends, carried in a barge, into the gallery of the night in which the underworld river flows.. The soul of the deceased is able to go throw the turbulent of that river including the gigantic serpent "Apophis"
Then that barge enters the heart of the underworld which is known as the reign of "secret things". Then at last after Anubis along with the "Ba" overcomes many dangers in that river, they reach "realm of duat". In order to leave that realm they have to go through seven gates and in order to enter the "Hall of Osiris", they must pass ten pylons, and to do that the soul has to know the magical words and the secret name of the gates guardians then the god standing at the other 10 Pylons reveal his name for the soul to enter the "grand hall of the justice of Osiris along with the other main four gods who believed to create the world "Shu and Tefnut" air and fire, "Geb and Nut" earth and sky.
This grand hall of Osiris also includes about 42 other judges who represents the divine creation hence justice and truth.
Now the deceased soul "Ba" is standing alone in front of the supreme god "Osiris" god of the dead and the underworld after it ascends the stepped pyramid known as " the staircase of Justice" on which at top sits Osiris on his throne, and must show that it "Ba" has "never done evil to anyone.",
But the greatest monument which ancient Egypt left to the Worls is the words of some one called "Nefershem-Ra" said by him at the last judegemnt to prove he never done any evil to anybody, saying" I have given bread to the starving, drink to the thirsty, clothes to the naked, I have buried him who have no children.".
After the soul reveals its actions then comes the famous scene we all keep on mind "the weighing of the heart" in which god Anubis guardian of the tomb and god of mummification leads the deceased before the scale, Anubis hold the "key of life " sign and places the heart pf the dead against the feather of "Maat" representing justice. If the heart over weighs the feather, it means that this person has done many evils in his life for which he should be punished and the "Ammit" the god with crocodile head and hippopotamus legs, the eater of the dead, eats him. And in case the feather over weighs the heart then it means that this person is proved guilty and is to live an everlasting life in the fields of Yaru. (i.e.; heaven)
In the scene above starting with the upper register the deceased appears before a number of judges to make an accounting for his deeds during life. The "Ankh" sign appears in the hands of some judges.
Below the jackal god "Anubis" god of mummification is leading the deceased before the scale holding the key of life and helping with the weighing of the heart. In the left tray we see the heart whereas in the left we see the Maat feather, under the scale the "Ammit" god eater of the deceased body in case he is proved guilty.. God "Thot" of wisdom represented as an Ibis-headed god is ready to write down the results.
Then the deceased appears with the god "Horus" guiding him to meet Osiris who is wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt surrounded by two feathers and at both his sides Isis in red and Nephthys in green and all the three together welcome the deceased to the underworld.
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